Kratom Lab Test Results

Why Kratom Lab Testing?

Craving Kratom wants to ensure our Kratom is always the highest quality for our customers. Your health and safety is a primary concern to us and we will never compromise when it comes to putting our Kratom through strenuous lab tests.

We recognize you are spending your hard-earned money on our product. In turn, we want to reciprocate that trust by consistently delivering the highest quality Kratom powder for you at all times. Over the years, disreputable companies have strained the customer/business relationship simply because they want to take shortcuts.

Craving Kratom has the opportunity today to prove our Kratom is of the purest form and naturally strong. We want to share our lab test results with you to give you peace of mind and assure you all of our Kratom powder contains 100% pure ground Kratom leaf.

Using A Reputable Laboratory

First of all, in order to get the most trusted results we have to use one of the most reputable international labs.

Wonderland Labs was built to beyond-compliant standards for a GMP manufacturing and testing facility. Their unique facility is also governed by a painstakingly drafted set of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that include PhD-developed verification procedures for every series of tests that they run.

Coupled with all required licenses, permits, and registrations, including a Federally-registered EPA number; they are proud of their strict adherence to protocol and accuracy.

They can run everything from USP and FDA-BAM methods for detecting pathogens in materials to PCR testing (And other DNA testing methods), as well as pesticide testing and a variety of other tests to ensure your material is safe for consumption.

What Happens When Lab Tests Come Back Negative?

If by some chance the Kratom we have had tested comes back bad or has negative test results, we want to assure you we will not sell it.

Craving Kratom is dedicated to being transparent with the Kratom community. We want to allow the FDA/DEA to see our company as one that cares about the wellness of our customers. We will always be cooperative and hopefully, this will show our government we are staying consistent with the quality and service which helps us stand out from other vendors.

Craving Kratom Kratom Lab Testing Results

Our Kratom is 100% pure and contains no Ecoli, Salmonella, or other pathogens. We also make sure there are no chemical properties such as heavy metals or pesticides. We strive for the cleanest, purest form of Kratom leaf to present to our customers. Below you will find a list of everything we test for in our Kratom leaf.

Microbiology & Chemical Testing & Pathogens

  • Bacillus Cereus
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • E. coli, O157:H7
  • Enterobacter
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Pseudomonas
  • Salmonella
  • Shigella
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Heavy Metals

Each of these microbiology analyses is provided to determine a pure and safe Kratom leaf for our customers.

Quality Indicators

A quality indicator is a tool enabling us to quantify the sample’s performance by selecting a certain comparative criterion. The quality indicators enable us to accurately pinpoint otherwise missed substances. These indicators can detect each of the unwanted substances below.

  • APC (Standard Plate Count)
  • Coliforms
  • Alicyclobacillus
  • Lactobacillus
  • Yeast & Molds


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you have. If you would like to see our actual lab test results feel free to reach out & Contact us

Certificate of Analysis (BIOLOGICAL) - Certificate of Analysis (BIOLOGICAL)

Certificate of Analysis - Certificate of Analysis

Heavy Metals Analysis - Heavy Metals Analysis